The assessment policy has been designed to assist the parents as well as the students to understand the standard procedure adopted by the school in executing its assessments. It is believed that an excellent and standardised assessment procedure is key to the progress of the students in any academic environment.
Our Assessment
- All subject teachers are to assess and evaluate their students’ performance continuously, consistently and accurately to show and analyse their progress; and give feedbacks on these to parents.
- Assessments on each subject shall be on the following: continuous assessment, test and examinations.
- Continuous Assessments are carried out continuously till the end of the term. This can be in form of: homework, short test, project, classwork, etc.
- Examinations take place only at the end of the term. Every student shall record class attendance of 90% and above to qualify to write the end-of-term examination.
- All students shall be required to take a minimum of two tests in a term in addition to the end-of-term examinations.
Feedback on Assessments
Students and their parents shall have access to their reports twice in a term: half-term and end-of-term reports.
- Half-term Reports are based on Continuous Assessments which carries 40% of the total score while the remaining 60% will be based on Tests.
- End-of-term Reports are based on Continuous Assessments which carries 40% of the total score while the remaining 60% will be based on Examinations.
- Projects shall form major part of the assessment carried out each term. Therefore, it is expected that students take them seriously. Faculty members shall explain to the students how and when such projects should be submitted.
Academic Honesty
Honesty is one of the core values of the school. Therefore, the school expects the students to take full responsibility for their works. Classwork and homework must be done solely by the students, rather than being done by parents or home tutors. Plagiarism and other forms of copying are not also acceptable.
The school frowns seriously at cheating during tests or examinations. Any student that impinges on the integrity of the school through academic misconduct of any kind shall be summarily dismissed. Parents are to advise and guide their children on the negative effects of examination malpractice. The school, on its part, will do the same.
Punishments attached to Academic Dishonesty include:
- Redoing such assignment
- Awarding zero for such task
- Negative House Points
- Detention
- Internal Suspension
- External Suspension
- Expulsion
Homework Policy
At Doveland High School, we believe that homework serves as a link between school and home which helps to reinforce the work being done in class as well as helps the teacher to gauge the level of the student’s progress.
Teachers, at Doveland High School, ensure that every homework is properly and thoroughly planned so as to link homework to curricular demands. Therefore, we always discourage parents from treating such homework as theirs. When such homework is done by the student, even though under the supervision of the parents, it gives the teacher the opportunity to correctly gauge the student’s progress and understand the next approach to be implemented.
Our Rationale
- Homework is not given to cover what has not been learnt in class, rather it is to apply or make extensive research on what has been learnt.
- Homework timetable is drawn by the Vice Principal Academic within the first week of resumption; therefore, parents as well as students have right and responsibility to report any teacher who does not follow the timetable.
- At least 50% of the homework given by any teacher (except Mathematics teacher) throughout the term must be in form of essay. Hence, it is not unusual for the teachers to comment on the students’ spelling and grammatical mistakes, even if they are not English teachers.
- Deadline for submission is usually attached to homework. This deadline must be adhered to fully by the students. If a student refuses to submit as at when due such a student is to lose 10% of the total score after every working day. By implication, any student who refuses to submit after a week of the due date would have lost 50% of the total score.
- Feedbacks on homework must be given to the students within 48 hours after submission. Any student who does not receive such feedback within this period has the right and responsibility to report to the Vice Principal Academic.
Internal Examinations
- All internal examinations are to take place in classroom/hall where students from different classes sit in the same venue to write their examinations in the presence of invigilator(s).
- Teachers shall set questions on only the topics that have been covered either in the present class or the previous one.
- Students are to settle down for examinations 10 minutes prior to the commencement of any paper.
- As soon as students enter the examination class/hall, they are not in any way expected to have any form of communication with other students. In a case where they have any question, they are to raise their hands quietly.
- All students must sign in at the beginning of the examination paper and sign out of the hall after the submission of their papers.
- No student shall leave the hall before 20 minutes to the end of the paper.
- The school will not condone any form of examination malpractice. In case of any, the invigilator shall fill a form and adequately inform the supervisor.
Grading System
In order to further drive our students to continuously strive for healthy academic competition and excellence, the following is the grading system we employ:
Acceptable Grades in the Senior School
F9 | 1 – 54 | Fail |
E8 | 55 – 59 | Pass |
D7 | 60 – 64 | Pass |
C6 | 65 – 69 | Credit |
C5 | 70 – 74 | Credit |
C4 | 75 – 79 | Credit |
B3 | 80 – 84 | Very Good |
B2 | 85 – 89 | Excellent |
A1 | 90 – 100 | Outstanding |
Acceptable Grades in the Junior School
U | 1 – 49 | Ungraded |
E | 50 – 54 | Pass |
D | 54 – 59 | Pass |
C | 60 – 69 | Credit |
B | 70 – 79 | Very Good |
A | 80 – 89 | Excellent |
A* | 90 – 100 | Outstanding |
The school reserves the right to promote students from one class to another after each session and to recommend otherwise. Such promotions will be based strictly on merit. The Faculty shall decide the criteria for promotion at the beginning of each session.
Parents should also note that under no circumstance will a child be promoted at the middle of the session.
External Examinations
External examinations will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the body conducting such examinations. Most external examinations will be written in the school while others will be written at designated centres.
The following are the compulsory examinations the students are to write:
- Cambridge Checkpoint Year 9
- Basic Education Certificate Examinations Year 9
- Cambridge IGCSE Year 12
- Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations Year 12
Other examinations, which are optional, include:
The school will not take full responsibility for the outcome of these optional examinations since preparation for them cannot be done on full time basis.